ARCH 201 · Uncategorized

In-between Space : Corridor

Hi everybody,

Today, I’ll mention about my first human scale project. This project is also about corridor but this work is individual. We were expected to consider the broader territory of architecture which is shaping the form, relations between spaces and sensory effects. We should have created two landscapes which are totally different from each other. They were named as hard landscape and soft landscape.  We tried to design our elements (corridor) considering in-between the hard landscape and the soft landscape, on the hard landscape and on the soft landscape.

I tried to make a design fullfilling these three conditions. I designed two opposite landscapes. And each landscape has different functions in itself. For in-between conditions I made a corridor. So, it became an in-between space with the help of spatial experiences and relationships between two different landscapes. This in-between space created a combination and interaction with the side zones(landscapes). The corridor acted differently on the opposite landscapes because of their conditions. Surfaces of this corridor were created with different techniques. So, it had spatial experiences and qualities of these both landscapes, then it could become an in-between space. Additionally, generally common corridors are too narrow and closed. So, I decided to make a wide and open corridor by using transparent surfaces and open zones. Therefore, the experiences of two landscapes could be revealed. In this corridor, people can experience daylight and outside as visual. I considered to making a sense. It wasn’t a physical experience in every zones but mostly visual and auditory experiences.

Here, there are some photos of my model, diagrams and technical drawings.

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An Abstracted Painting Exhibition in Ankara

Last week, our art professor who is Jale Erzen (she is really famous in Turkey even in the world) took away us to an exhibition in Ankasanat in Ankara. Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu and Abidin Elderoğlu’s paintings were exhibited there.

Let’s talk about these artists… These painters are first people who making abstraction in Turkey. They have unique and emotional paintings. They also used calligraphy in some paintings with the Arabic letters. By the way, Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu is also an poet. He has an amazing sense.

Here there are some photos from this exhibition.

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Art · theatre

Shakespeare in Trouble

A few days ago I went to the theatre in Akün Scene in Ankara. The play was Shakespeare in Trouble. Ohh, it was a fantastic play!! I loved it. It was really funny and a little bit informative about the ages of Elizabeth. It shows how people approach to theatre and woman theatre players. And, Shakespeare was really in trouble because of her sister and the events around him.

Ps: The photos are from

ARCH 221 · Art · Photography · Travel · Uncategorized

An Article : The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

Today, I want to mention about an amazing museum in Ankara which is Anatolian Civilizatians Museum. It is also one of the most valuable and best museums in the world. Now, I will start to talk about the building of it and it’s function in history then, I’ll try to summarize my observations.

This museum is too close too Ankara Castle. The area has a really attracting view. There are many green areas and historical structures around it. It consist of two different structures which are Bedesten  by Mahmut Pasha and Kurşunlu Han by Mehmet Pasha. They were built in the times of Ottoman Empire. In the past, Bedesten was used for bazaar. Many shops were located there. In 1881, these two building was left for inusitation because of an fire. After that, it was started to rebuild with the desire of Atatürk in 1938.The all restoration was completed in 1968. Actually, first it was opened as a Hittite Museum, but in time many historical artifacts from different civilizations got involved in this museum. Therefore, it became as The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.

Now, Bedesten is the main part of these museum. It has impressive image. When people enter into it, this building welcome them with huge domes and arches. People can see the architecture of Ottoman from the texture of the walls and appearance of the structure. On the right side of entering of the building, exhibition start and enclose the all exhibition area to the left side. Then, it is over on the left side with a beautiful cafe. In between there is an also exhibition area which has huge domes. Here, there some photos of these parts.

The  arround of Bedesten, there is a nice garden, green areas and Kurşunlu Han. Now, Kurşunlu Han is used for social activities like conference, workshops and library etc. And in the garden there are also some archaeologic sculptures are exhibited.

There are some figures of goddess like Kybele, woman and public speaker statue and some gravestones from Roman Period. They show how people dress, their life-styles and religios in that periods. Also, an huge statue interested to me. It was a huge monument which is The Fasıllar Hittite Monument. There are great God, a smaller mountain God and two lions. That shows the power of God and the religion of people. Besides, there are many inscribed stones and columns. They are some kind of honorific symbols.

In Bedesten part, exhibition starts with Paleolithic era and then it continues chronologically with them : Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, Assyrian Trade Colonies, Hittite, Phrygian, Urartu, Lydia, Anatolian Civilizations from b.c 12000 to until today and down the ages of Ankara. The Paleolithic Age was for hunter-gatherers who used stone and bone tools. They show how people make a living in daily times and their life-styles.

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And then, it continues with the Neolithic Age. It shows the first settled life and urbanisation. Also it gives some information about producing food and village life.  All of them emphasize their cultures and social activities. A small house of Çatalhöyük was exhibited in that period. There are section of an roof of this house, cooker, rush mat, ground stone, cruses, ladder etc.

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After that, it gives some information and tools from Bronce Age and others. By the way, there were some beewax sculptures, they looked real and were extremely effective.

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And then, at the center of the exhibition area, there are many cartouche stones and statues which show people’s religions, living styles, Gods, kings and animals.

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With this slide, my documents of this trip to the Museum is overed. I hope, it is a helpful and good presentation for you. Keep in contact 🙂

Ps: Photos are belong to me.                                                                                           Reference:



ARCH 201

Corridor : Analytical-Critical Survey

First of all, in the past  the chinese meaning of corridor was the combination of roof and wall. Then; in a funny kind of way, corridor was created and used as running place in Europe in 14th century.  People ran to transfer the messages. In 18th century, it becames a different meaning, which was used for changing spatial and social relationships in Europe. Then, corridor started to brings these traits with itself : transparancy, flow, interior vista.

Let’s talk about the aspects of corridor.. Linearity is the most important spatial character of it. It provides also, transition,accessing, horizontality and verticality.. It connects and organises the spaces. Significant points on spaces could be connected with corridors. Because spaces open to corridors, many different experiences and interactions can be occured.

Besides, there is a movement on corridor. Then while people are moving, they spend and experience time. By the way, there is also really essential aspect of corridor which is directionality. Corridor directs people from one point to another. As experiential, corridor opens to meeting, encountering, unexpected interaction, having different activities (exhibition, furnishing etc.)

Actually, people do not care about this element much, however it is most important part, functional and used space in the structures. When we presented it, we used many medium materials such as videos, posters and models.

Here, they are the posters from our presentations.

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Blue Corridor: Bosporus                                                                                                     You can have a direct target to go or while you are accessing to a point, you can experiences other spaces that surround corridor.

istanbul boğaz edited

In addition, here there is an abstracted model of METU Alle. We tried to show that corridor connects many different spaces and experiences, it is directing and organises the spaces.

And this model emphasized a quality of corridor which is being an spine of an structure. Also, it organises the all spaces.


ARCH 201

Elements of Architecture

We started with the elements of architecture for the beginning of this semester. These are really fundamental which are wall, door, window, roof, ceiling, staircase, ramp, corridor, balcony, floor, elevator, escalator, toilet and etc. We grouped for each element. My partners and I choosed corridor to focus on it. We were expected to understand what works, and explore the spatial conceptual potentials of the elements of architecture.  First, we revealed corridor’s global history. Then, we tried to concentrate on the spatial experiences and interactions between spaces.


The corridor of TED University (fourth floor)

ARCH 201

A new course ARCH 201 : Architectural Design-I

In this year, I am a sophomore student in architecture. We started to take ‘architectural design I ‘ course. I think this is better than the other courses like Arch 101 and 102 about studio classes, couse it’s more about the architecture. I hope, this year will be more conscious and comfortable. Whatever, let’s talk about the content of this course.

”The objective of it: Introduction of functional, formal, structural and contextual components of architectural design methodology and utilization of experiential design strategies that were introduced in Arch 102 Introduction to Architectural Design through integration of such components within spatial solutions.” cited from course sheet.