Art · Music

Keep calm and join me for the new season !!

Hi everybody, it was a very long time, isn’t it ?! Actually, I missed sharing posts here.. That summer was amazing and full.. I will share posts about that in next days :)) keep in contact.. Let’s start with a nice and nostalgic song 🙂

Ella Fitzgerald – Every Time We Say Goodbye


Sometimes, I feel melancholy.. Today is one of them.. Now, I will share a song which is very old in Turkey. I think, you should try to listen some classic and old music of your country.. Sometimes they make us feel different and changed…

Let’s take a coffee and look at the snowy ways, If your country is snowy while listening it.

Seyyan Hanım: Hasret

ARCH 121 · Music

Beethoven’s 5th Symphony

Hey, I want to share a video. It is really enjoyable. Last week, our teacher shared this video in the Arch 121 class. He tried to show rhythm and the connection between musical rhythm and  architecture. I liked it 🙂 Then I started to listen it again and again. Sometimes, my sister and my housemate say that Leylaa, it is enough and turn off!.  🙂